Monday, September 26, 2011

Legion of Super-Heroes #1 - Eric's Review

Pretty much everything I said about Legion Lost applies to LoSH as well: it's a perfectly competent superhero yarn that is muddled by the amount of information that gets thrown at a new reader all at once: a dozen heroes, some with complex histories that are only obliquely hinted at -- Mon-El had a Green Lantern Ring? Who was Oaa and how did he/she die? -- and an archvillain that gets only a vague definition. What is a Dominator, and why, aside from our natural human instinct not to be dominated, should we care about the Legion's attempts to stop them? After a few missteps early -- I read page two at least three times before I realized that the soldier in the second panel was Chameleon Boy, using his powers --  artist Francis Portela settles into a nice rhythm and delivers a solid interpretation of veteran Legion writer Paul Levitz's script.

As with Legion Lost, I imagine Legion of Super-Heroes will appeal to longtime LoSH fans familiar with the sprawling cast of characters, locales and situations, but for the rest of us, a more detailed road map would have helped.

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